Animal in a Cage

by: XBloodBathX

I think it’s fucking pathetic that I won’t let go

And I’m fucking ashamed of myself thought you should know

My mind is fucking harassing me every time that I think of you and I know that it shouldn’t be am I your shit show

I hope you’re all entertained now at this glimpse of my pain

I hope that it resonates and that it tickles your brain

An animal in a cage a character on a page and you’ll remember my name if I just act insane as I am

Am I the one to blame

Crucify me in vain

Comic book page you saw the clown in me

In every big crowded room I’m alone

Guess I’ll just look at my phone

Pretend I don’t exist that’s what they’re doing too and I know

The cool kids table is out of reach no matter which circle I crave

Paradise envisioned younger now my shallow early grave

I’m just tryna kill some time and maybe never lose my mind

The cure to this my loneliness is just reflection and some time

My testament a sacrament I hope you eat it and that I dissolve into some pieces

Break me down

I don’t deserve to live

None of us do 

Except for you

I know it’s true

Purest thing I’ve ever known

I died the day you chose to let me go

I died the day you chose to let me go

I died the day you chose to let me go

I died the day you chose to let me go

See the confusing thing about me and you

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do

You think that I’m out to get you

Suspicious of the things that I do

I’m not the monster that you think I am

I’m not a schemer I have no plan

I’m as guilty as any man

Who follows blindly in front of him

So let me off your hook

I will close this goddam book

You think that I’m a crook

It’s not your life that I took

It’s mine