
by: XBloodBathX

Take your best shot 

I'll let you know when I've had enough

I’m about at my limit it's

Hard to keep up with the shifts and the pivots but

I try best when I'm fighting with god

I'm talking bout the god within

Not the one that supposedly condemns my sins but

His sheep gonna act like sheep

So keep that shit far the fuck away from me

I’m an interdimensional being with an all seeing eye

And I’m looking out at everything as if it is mine

I don’t care who I have to kill

It was god’s will

Give your girl the morning after pill

And I’m suiting up for war

Against all the ones who oppress the poor

And feed them lies

Disguised as truth

Lets cut them out

By the root

Boiling my blood in a vengeful stab

At the center of fearful falsified fragments

Of truth and lies

That lie in disguise

Representing something eluding the eyes

Some of us settle for simple stories to calm the mind

To soothe our worries

The real explanations are much more scary

What lies behind the mind 

So I take my stand 

I will no longer be bothered by mortal men

I engage to fight

Take up my arms

The spirit inside takes flight

It ain't about better than

It's about acknowledging what I am

I'm sick and tired of pretending that I am not

A god

I am a god